End-of-life treatment

Madam, - The Humanist Association of Ireland has long supported an individual's right to determine their end-of-life treatment…

Madam, - The Humanist Association of Ireland has long supported an individual's right to determine their end-of-life treatment, and we are delighted that view is being supported by the Law Reform Commission (The Irish Times, October 14th). We welcome its recommendation that a legislative framework be implemented.

These matters are of concern to all of us. A slow, painful and undignified end may come to only some people, but it must be the right of all to prepare and make our wishes known for that sad eventuality, to protect ourselves and to assist others faced with making decisions on our behalf.

An advance healthcare directive (living will) sets out what treatment is acceptable in certain circumstances; it is not a request for euthanasia and on some forms a person can state that they would like all available treatment to maintain their existence for as long as medically possible, regardless of quality of life.

This association worked last year with Michael Irwin, a member (and former medical director of the United Nations), to produce a form of living will, available at www.livingwillstrust.com. - Yours, etc,


Yours, etc,

ANN JAMES, Secretary, Humanist Association of Ireland, Balrothery, Co Dublin.