Enda Kenny and a Border poll

Sir, – All that is “new” about Irish politics in 2016 is the new depth of cynicism politicians have sunk to as the agenda is set by populism, fuelled by a shameless and irresponsible media, and which can only end in tears.

Enda Kenny has climbed on the bandwagon of those pretending that a united Ireland is closer as a result of Brexit and suggesting a Northern Irish referendum when he must know, as do all the other political leaders, that it has no prospect of passing and can only serve to further destabilise Northern Ireland.

But all is fair game in this brave new world of ours as his handlers think it will make him seem more in touch with the electorate. – Yours, etc,




Co Louth.

Sir, – Whenever Irish politicians are in trouble they raise the issue of a united Ireland. Enda Kenny has just done that, and it is a joke as far as we in Northern Ireland are concerned.

Some Southern Irish think that because the majority of voters in Northern Ireland voted to remain in the EU that the way forward is a united Ireland! They fail to recognise that North Down, 95 per cent pro-UK, and East Londonderry, 80 per cent pro-UK, were two of the constituencies which were included in the pro-EU majority.

As Deutsche Bank has pointed out, the EU nation to suffer the most from Brexit will be the Republic of Ireland. As Brexit negotiations proceed over the next two years, I hope that realism will prevail and Dublin will start recognising its close association with us in the UK and abandon its baseless dreams of a united Ireland. – Yours, etc,


Mullinure, Co Armagh.

Sir, – Martin McGuinness seems to be confused. The recent referendum was a vote on whether the UK should be part of the EU, and not a vote on whether Northern Ireland should leave the UK. Many areas in England voted to remain in the EU, including London, Manchester and Liverpool. By his reasoning, should they also leave the UK? – Yours, etc,



Surrey, England.

Sir, – As our Taoiseach heads off for the holidays, many would say his recent comments on Brexit and a united Ireland are for the birds. Certainly some of his backbenchers seem to think he is a lame duck, his goose is cooked or that he is an albatross around their necks. Is it not time for them to stop parroting on and do something? – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – Despite nationalist politicians being in Brexit denial, the referendum question was “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?” It did not reference constituent parts or regions of the UK.

Rather than Border polls and all-island Brexit forums, we should be using existing bodies, such as the North-South Ministerial Council, the British-Irish Council and the British Irish Parliamentary Assembly, all of which have already held discussions about Brexit.

The latter two include representatives from the various legislative bodies across the British Isles, and as such would provide a much better setting for unionist engagement in such discussions and avoid duplication of effort, as many of the issues affect other parts of the UK. – Yours, etc,



Co Tyrone.

Sir, – If Enda Kenny is not able to persuade Angela Merkel that our Border/Brexit issue is so important to us, both North and South, and that special exceptions for us have to be considered in the negotiations to come, then maybe Mr Kenny should suggest that we may have to consider leaving the EU, along with Britain. Might a bit of “hard ball” negotiating do the trick? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.