Ending soccer partition

Madam, - I would echo Des MacHale's views (September 7th), about the desirability of a united Ireland soccer

Madam, - I would echo Des MacHale's views (September 7th), about the desirability of a united Ireland soccer. However, the reality is that at the moment the Republic of Ireland team is by far the weakest side among the five international teams that represent these islands.

Much as I hate to admit it, the current Northern Ireland team has both a better, more experienced manager and more committed players than the Republic. Northern Ireland was outstanding recently against Spain while the Republic were very mediocre against Germany.

If there was any justice in the world there would be one All-Ireland Irish international soccer team qualifying regularly for major European and world Cup competitions, and a single 32-county Irish Republic, but in both politics and sport there are strong, vested, partitionist interests preventing this. - Yours, etc,




Co Meath.