Erb's Palsy Support Group

Sir, - I am the parent of a child with a condition known as Erb's Palsy (a loss of voluntary muscular power in the arm due to…

Sir, - I am the parent of a child with a condition known as Erb's Palsy (a loss of voluntary muscular power in the arm due to stretching or tearing of nerves in the brachial plexus). This is most often seen after a traumatic birth and in approximately 10 per cent of cases the arm never makes a full recovery.Children with this condition usually have the arm held in the "waiter's tip" position - i.e., facing backwards as if receiving a tip - and it is usually shorter than the unaffected arm. Movement and function are determined by the extent of the trauma and the particular nerves in the plexus, which have been damaged.If you are the parent of such a child, or have the problem yourself, or know of anybody with this condition, please pass on the information and get in contact. We are endeavouring to establish a support group and aim to have our first meeting in Athlone in November. - Yours, etc.,Mary Verbruggen,Grove Cottage,Canraiver,Oughterard,Co Galway.