Ethics In Reproduction

Sir, - How disgraceful are the verbal gymnastics of Prof Robert Harrison of Rotunda Hospital when he claims his establishment…

Sir, - How disgraceful are the verbal gymnastics of Prof Robert Harrison of Rotunda Hospital when he claims his establishment is freezing "zygotes" and not "embryos" (The Irish Times May 8th). Does it make the degrading treatment of new life more ethical by subjecting it to more dehumanising terminology?

Is human life a few days earlier in age any less sacrosanct or less of an individual than later? The same creeping relativism could be extrapolated to justify victimising any section of society or people group who didn't fit a particular definition of peoplehood or personhood. - Yours, etc., Patrick McCrystal, Executive Director, Human Life International Ireland,

6 Belvedere Place, Dublin 1.