Ethics matter

Madam, – Without realising it John Waters says it all (Opinion, July 3rd) about the mess created by a small number of people…

Madam, – Without realising it John Waters says it all (Opinion, July 3rd) about the mess created by a small number of people at the head of Government, banks, Church and media.

His statement that “once, Ireland was world famous for being a place where everything was not reduced to ‘ethics’ and ‘equality’ and rules” neatly encapsulates the situation in which if you were powerful enough the only rule was that arrogance would get you anywhere.

From their lofty positions the most powerful showed contempt for the rest of us who expected those to whom enormous power had been entrusted to live up to the importance of their positions.

As a result we now have a country that is nearly bankrupt, a banking system that has failed, a Church that has lost all credibility and many in the media who still still see their role as acting as cheerleaders for those who are responsible for the present mess.


Far from “ethics” and “rules” being a “tyranny” a total absence of morals among the most powerful has brought the country to its knees – Yours, etc,



Dublin 13