EU constitution and the UN

Madam, - Paul Gillespie's report from the EU summit ("Solid progress on security and defence policies", June 19th) makes reassuring…

Madam, - Paul Gillespie's report from the EU summit ("Solid progress on security and defence policies", June 19th) makes reassuring reading, with its stress on "effective multilateralism" and the European Security Strategy stipulating "that the United Nations should be at its core".

I do not doubt for a moment that in the present climate the declarations and commitments outlined are made in good faith and with the best of intentions.

All the more disappointing, then, to turn the page to Denis Staunton's breakdown of the main provisions of the EU constitution and find the Union giving itself an open-ended licence to develop without even token acknowledgement of the UN's existence. This seems at odds with Mr Gillespie's statement that the EU anticipates "future proposals on steps to promote a more ruled-based international order".

Those of us who do not share the rose-tinted perspective of either "Western Civilisation" or European history will surely concur with the conclusion of your Editorial: "It deserves the more careful attention of EU citizens as they decide whether to ratify it over the next two years".


Current events demonstrate the foresight of the framers of the US constitution and their insistence on solidifying as many checks and balances as they could to curb our instincts to expansionary development of power. - Yours, etc.,

DAMIEN FLINTER, Tullyvoheen, Co Galway.

Madam, - Given the amount of murder, torture and war that have been committed in Europe in God's name, maybe He, in His infinite wisdom declined to have His name included in the new constitution. - Yours, etc.,

JUSTIN McCARTHY, Spiddal , Co Galway.