Eurovision Song Contest

Madam, - It was obvious from Saturday night's TV extravaganza that Ireland needs to rethink its strategy.

Madam, - It was obvious from Saturday night's TV extravaganza that Ireland needs to rethink its strategy.

It's just not tacky enough. The era of Mammy's boys like Micky Joe and Chris is over. We need to get rid of the influence of Louis Walsh and his Boyzone/Westlife conveyor belt.

It's now the Eurovision Dance Contest. We should commission Michael Flatley to create the War of the Firbolgs or some such epic depicting our primitive pagan past.

We need a couple of brawny, bare-chested types in torn shorts and Doc Martens - and that's just the women. The supporting cast can be drawn from Ireland's top lap-dancing clubs.


The singer? Bring back Johnny Logan, he seems to be wearing well on Saturday's evidence - and wasn't his Turkish impressive? - Yours, etc.,

LOUIS HOGAN, Corbawn Grove, Shankill, Dublin 18.

Madam, - With their twist on Riverdance as intermission entertainment, the Turks showed that imitation is the sincerest form of Flatley. - Yours, etc.,

MICHAEL CULLEN, Albert Park, Sandycove, Co Dublin.

Madam, - So Ireland got ust seven points in this year's Eurovision Song Contest - as a charity vote from the United Kingdom.

Perhaps we should try a new song selection system, whereby members of the public can submit their own entries, nominate their own singers and have the final 10 entries put to a national public vote.

Perhaps this could be given some snappy, modern name, such as the "National Song Contest".

Has it been done before? - Yours, etc.,

CHRISTIAN MORRIS, Howth, Dublin 13.