Eurovision Song Contest

A chara, - We have it from no less an authority than Mr Shay Healy on Morning Ireland that, in order to win another Eurovision…

A chara, - We have it from no less an authority than Mr Shay Healy on Morning Ireland that, in order to win another Eurovision song contest, "he" (presumably the male singer) would need to wear a shiny jacket, and the "ladies" would need to get more clothes off.

In pursuance of appreciating Mr Healy's thesis on this topic I looked up the word "ladies" in my shiny new dictionary. Apparently a lady is a well-mannered and sophisticated woman; further, the term "my lady" is a polite form of address to female judges and certain noblewomen. Why do I get the feeling that pigs will fly before Mr Healy's formula for Eurovision success will cut any ice with such as these? - Is mise,

ANNE CAHILL, Laurel Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.