Events at Medjugorje

Madam, – In light the recent publicity surrounding Medjugorje and the case of Fr Tomislav Vlasic (“Pope laicises priest accused…

Madam, – In light the recent publicity surrounding Medjugorje and the case of Fr Tomislav Vlasic (“Pope laicises priest accused of creating Medjugorje claims”, July 31st), I think it may be of help to state the facts which are independently verifiable, as opposed to anecdotes or misinformation.

Fr Vlasic was not a priest of the parish of Medjugorje from the beginning of the apparitions and therefore cannot be named as the originator of the Medjugorje phenomenon.

He was not spiritual director for the children. As assistant pastor in the parish, he held the same responsibility for their spiritual welfare as he held for all the people of the parish. He held this appointment for barely three years (1982 to 1985). He has not held an appointment in Medjugorje for the past 25 years.

Neither the present Pope nor his predecessor made any official statement on Medjugorje. The “ban” on official pilgrimages to the parish is standard procedure when a site is not yet officially recognised. The same “ban” pertained in the cases of Lourdes, Fatima and Knock.


People are free, however, to organise pilgrimages to the shrine and priests are encouraged to go as spiritual directors.

In June 2008, Cardinal Vinko Puljic announced a Vatican Commission to investigate the phenomenon of Medjugorje. This commission has not issued any findings so far. The Vatican could have issued a negative decision with regard to the apparitions at any time over the past 28 years. It has never done so.

The procurator general of the Franciscans, announcing the laicisation of Fr Vlasic, stated that “the laicisation was not imposed by the Holy See, but rather was in response to a request presented by Fr Vlasic himself to be dispensed both of priestly celibacy and his religious vows”. He further added that the laicisation of Fr Vlasic “is not a judgment on the claims that Mary is appearing in Medjugorje”. – Yours, etc,



Newbridge, Co Kildare.