Exaggerated house prices

Madam, - May I commend your journalists for a fine job in exposing the practice of certain estate agents reporting exaggerated…

Madam, - May I commend your journalists for a fine job in exposing the practice of certain estate agents reporting exaggerated house sale prices? I always had the suspicion that the relationship between the property industry and the media was a bit too cosy, and was delighted to find that in this instance I was wrong.

We desperately need to develop a central data-base of house price sales to allow consumers to make informed decisions about their single biggest financial commitment. Ireland is probably the only developed country in the world where such a database does not exist.

Once again, congratulations on bringing this to light. - Yours, etc,

JAMES TREACY, Managing Director, BusinessPro, Chairman, Irish Fraud Bureau, South Frederick Street, Dublin 2.