Eye-watering restaurant review

Sir, – I invariably enjoy Catherine Cleary's weekly restaurant review, and I know she was simply doing her job in her review of a meal that was "eye-wateringly expensive, but worth every dollar" at Eleven Madison Park, New York (Magazine, October 22nd). But it cost a king's ransom and left me cold.

To what purpose this outrageous cost, except perhaps to show how the other half lives? Or is it symptomatic of a Trumpian US where money talks big? Did it leave me impressed or envious? Not at all, quite the contrary. Was I shocked or incredulous? Yes, very much so. Even the thought of wading through all those culinary exotica made me long for a simple, straightforward meal, and not an indulgent, Lucullan hyper-fest.

But then I would never be able to boast to my grandchildren that I had indulged in the experience of a lifetime at Eleven Madison Park, where, in a world of want and hunger, the food orgy was “worth every dollar” – or the equivalent of a mere €650!

– Yours, etc,




Co Westmeath.

Sir, – Catherine Cleary’s review of a New York restaurant where she tells us that “Dinner for two with three glasses of champagne and tea came to $715.31 (€650.53)” made me see red as she averred that it was worth it. Is this woman living in the real world?

– Yours, etc,


Dún Laoghaire,

Co Dublin.