Facebook and regulation

Sir, – Facebook stated before the Oireachtas Communications Committee this week that "creating a safe environment where people all over the world can share and connect is core to our business model" (News, August 01st). But as is often the case, actions can speak louder than words.

If indeed the creation of a safe environment were core to Facebook’s business model, then one would expect that function to be an integral part of its organisation. One would also expect those executing that function to be core and well-rewarded Facebook employees.

Yet it appears that the function of ensuring a safe environment is contracted out by Facebook with those executing that function neither full-time employees of the company itself nor well rewarded for their work. This is surprising given Facebook’s statement and the fact that it is accepted best practice that those functions that are core to an organisation’s business model are nested within the organisation and not contracted out to third parties.

The position of the Oireachtas committee’s chairwoman Hildegarde Naughton that the era of Facebook self-regulation “is over” is to be welcomed. – Yours, etc,



Trinity Business School,

Trinity College Dublin.