Sir, Since the traditional fairy tales are from a time when people were able to use their imagination, I feel that they pass …

Sir, Since the traditional fairy tales are from a time when people were able to use their imagination, I feel that they pass over the heads of the unimaginative children of the present day. In earlier times when told that Goldilocks went for a walk in the woods, the child could picture the familiar scene the birdsong clear in the silent forest the stirrings of the little furry creatures of the wood the chiaroscuro of the sunlight through the trees. Clearly the tale is cast in a form unsuitable for the modern child. He must have contemporaneous detail supplied Goldilocks hopping along, throwing stones at the birds and at the little furry creatures, while singing a ribald song learned from her temporary father, etc.

To be in character with present day mores these fairy tales must be retranslated in detail into a form embracing the new standards of adult conduct. Yours, etc., Killester, Dublin 5.