Farmers And Hill-Walkers

Sir, - Bord Fβilte is running a newspaper advertisement promoting hill-walking in Ireland

Sir, - Bord Fβilte is running a newspaper advertisement promoting hill-walking in Ireland. Perhaps you know the one: it features a cartoon showing a happy couple climbing through rough ground accompanied by a bounding, unleashed mutt.

Bord Fβilte is well aware of the increasing access problems faced by walkers all down the west coast because of the intransigence of a small number of farmers and the support these receive from the main farming organisations. With this in mind, could I suggest the following modifications to this advertisement:

The couple should be shown entangled in a high barbed wire fence that they are vainly attempting to cross;

The dog should be shown lying on his back with his legs in the air and evidently in great distress;


Two farmers should be shown approaching, one of whom has just shot the dog and the other waving a stout stick and shouting, 'get yerselves and yer f***ing dog off our f***ing land!'

The caption to Bord Fβilte's advertisement reads "Make a break for it". Now, there's a line that's wholly appropriate! - Yours, etc.,

Michael Murphy, Pinewowods, Westport, Co Mayo.