Farmers and walkers

Madam, - Though the Mountaineering Council of Ireland has pulled back a little from its initial euphoric reception of the IFA…

Madam, - Though the Mountaineering Council of Ireland has pulled back a little from its initial euphoric reception of the IFA's Countryside Walkways Plan it still displays its customary fawning enthusiasm for any crumbs that fall from the farmers' table (Letters, August 2nd).

The MCI could have pointed out that any grants for access are far from the European norm, that the EU has a strong presumption in favour of recreational use of the countryside and that farmers already derive 70 per cent of their income from the taxpayers of Europe and, increasingly, Ireland.

It could have pointed out that the IFA plan is breathtaking in its brazen demand on the public purse (€5,000 a year for 1km of path, plus €1,000 as a little icing on the cake).

Instead it welcomes this attempted smash and grab raid and claims it to be the outcome of discussions (what discussions?). The MCI even states that maintenance work on the pathways is part of the package. It is not: the IFA expects the cash whether the farmer concerned lifts a finger or not - and, rest assured, very little finger-lifting will be done.


It has long been the case that the MCI falls for any wheeze proposed by its farming "partners". One hopes that the Government and walkers generally will not be so naive. - Yours, etc.,

DAVID HERMAN, Meadow Grove, Dublin 16.