Farming and the environment

Sir, – Dr David O'Connell's letter ("The environment in a time of crisis", January 29th) is timely. Ireland needs a concerned public interested in what should now be of the greatest concern, protection of the environment: atmosphere, land and water and a dwindling wildlife. Many of us do see climate change and loss of biodiversity as problems but outside our immediate concerns and beyond our ability to solve.

Until very recently, for instance, increasing beef and milk production was seen as an achievement in spite of the increasing carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide emissions: nitrous oxide emissions to the atmosphere from fertiliser, methane from cows and increasing leaching of nitrate to groundwater, thence to rivers and on to the sea.

Non-compliance with our obligations will bring heavy fines but meeting these obligations is – and will continue to be – a challenge.

There are other ways to farm; no doubt policies could be and will be developed to encourage and adequately support the restoration of soils, planting of trees, mixed grasses and wild flower swards and protection of ground water, encouraging and enabling a return of insect and bird life.


We need a deep shift in agricultural aims, practices and production; yes, this is positive from the point of view of the environment, but it’s getting from here to there that is the expensive and threatening bridge to cross. – Yours, etc,



Co Tipperary.