‘Father Jack’ and Frank Kelly

Sir, – Being a "Father Jack" myself, I was getting used to some mild leg-pulling, before my latest appointment places me alongside Fr Ted Sheehan here in Cork, and the joking began in earnest. Both of us took it in good part, and I am writing to pay tribute to Frank Kelly, the original "Father Jack", pointing out something that his fine obituary did not mention ("Natural comedian and star of 'Father Ted'", March 5th).

Frank was a great swimmer and supporter of the Forty Foot in Sandycove in Dublin. I used to swim regularly with him from the Forty Foot to almost as far as Bulloch Harbour, and on the way he regaled me with great stories and anecdotes, so much so, that in my attempts to answer him, I used to take a lot of the Irish Sea on board. I often felt like using one of his small-screen expletives, but I held my tongue.

We swam all the year around, and when we emerged from the waves dripping and bedraggled, like a first-rate seanachaí he would entertain us on the benches or in “the hut” with his experiences on stage in the Gate , the Abbey and the RTÉ studios, and many other topics.

On the bitterest of cold days, he could bring back warmth and life into chilled limbs. It was great to have known him. – Yours, etc,



Sunday’s Well Road,
