Ferry services and road signs

Sir, – I am a visitor to Ireland from New Zealand who just happened to know before arrival that car ferries no longer run from Dún Laoghaire. I was astonished, therefore,  to find road signs all around Dublin clearly showing that car ferries do run from Dún Laoghaire.

I was not surprised, however, to meet a family last night attempting to leave the country who went to Dún Laoghaire to catch the ferry but were now searching for Dublin Port. I’m sure that this family was not the only one experiencing this problem. If first impressions are lasting perhaps last impressions are also enduring.

Surely there is someone in authority out there who has the wit to recognise the problem and can find the energy to do something about it.

For a start, he or she could send somebody out with a can of paint and a brush. Just fix it! – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.