Fianna Fail and the Tricolour

Madam, - Have my old eyes and your colour printing deceived me, or were Fianna Fáil's recent by-election candidates and canvassers…

Madam, - Have my old eyes and your colour printing deceived me, or were Fianna Fáil's recent by-election candidates and canvassers decked out in green-white-orange rosettes? Is the party that appropriated the opening phrase of the national anthem and the motif of the defence forces' badge now usurping the colours of the national flag as well?

The Tricolour should be reserved for national events and not exploited by partisan interests (or by groups of pub-clients at football matches, either). Moreover, An Bhratach Náisiúnta, the official booklet containing the rules for displaying the flag, says that it should not be "tied in a rosette". I suppose that, technically, Fianna Fáil's paper rosettes are not tied and so may not breach this rule, but the party should be big enough to observe its spirit. - Yours, etc.,
