Fianna Fáil and water charges

Sir, – I find it incredible that Fianna Fáil is proposing to the expert commission on water charges that charges should be abolished and that the cost of water services should be met through taxation ("Fianna Fáil proposes permanent end to water charges", September 12th).

For many reasons, including conservation, efficiency and having adequate finance to provide an excellent service, charges are essential, just as they are in every other country in Europe. Fianna Fáil is only interested in gaining electoral advantage, not in what is best for the future of the country. It is prepared to stoop to any level to get back into power.

If its proposal is carried through, it will mean that less finance will be available for other essential services, such as housing and health.

A further issue that has generally been ignored is that approximately 25 per cent of households in rural areas are on private supplies. Under Fianna Fáil’s proposal, these people would have to continue to pay for their own water services, which cost up to €500 a year, while also subsidising urban dwellers through their taxes. In fact, a pensioner in a rural area would have to pay this cost, while a millionaire living in a city would pay nothing.


That is blatantly unfair and probably unconstitutional. As a rural dweller, I intend to make an immediate complaint to the European Commission about this obvious injustice. – Yours, etc,



Co Carlow.

Sir, – I note that Fianna Fáil is proposing a permanent end to water charges.

Obviously votes are more important than preserving our water supply. – Yours, etc,

