Fighting obesity

Sir, – Your Editorial (February 22nd) raised two contrasting issues

Sir, – Your Editorial (February 22nd) raised two contrasting issues. We are assaulted daily with the term “poverty”, in particular child poverty, and on the other hand obesity.

What are all the poor and afflicted getting fat on – fresh air? I’m old enough to recall 60-70 years ago when we had real starvation poverty and the word obesity was never heard of.

Undoubtedly it’s a problem which will get worse if not tackled. Leaving adults aside, when do you ever see a child who is not chewing or guzzling?

The first and most important target must be ad-land. Check out the TV any evening and observe the mantra being chanted by the ad-men. Eat, drink and be merry.


Any women afflicted by obesity would be well advised to consult the fashion models you regularly feature, all of whom would appear to have just escaped from a concentration camp. Legs and arms like broom handles and never a smile on any of them. – Yours, etc,




Co Wexford.