‘Filthy’ citizens and ‘dirty Dublin’

Sir, – I have just read the comments by David Norris describing the Irish as "filthy" and bemoaning the state of "dirty Dublin" ("Irish people 'filthy' and O'Connell Street still neglected", Norris tells Seanad", June 24th). I'm afraid that I must wholeheartedly agree with him. However, my biggest bugbear is something that we as citizens cannot control. It's the filthy pavements. Am I the only one to notice this problem? I have never seen the pavements so dirty. All over Dublin the neglect is evident. My job takes me walking through these streets three morning a week and I watch the continual deterioration all over the city. The new paving in Grafton Street adds nothing to one of the most significant streets in our city, as it acts as a blank canvas for filth. Why is our city so neglected? This is the height of the tourist season. Have we lost all pride and respect for where we live? – Yours, etc,





Dublin 16.

Sir, – On June 11th at 6.45pm a youth struck and verbally abused an elderly man walking on the busy footpath near the Gresham Hotel on O’Connell Street. He then skipped the queue to board a nearby bus.

My daughter and I had walked from St Stephen’s Green to Parnell Square with not a garda to be seen along the way. We walked the reverse journey at around 10.45pm when we witnessed three loudmouths walking in a threatening manner, causing other pedestrians to give them a wide berth.

Violence is simmering just below the surface in our kip of a main street both day and night in our capital city. Loud and threatening behaviour, open drug abuse and drug-dealing, fast food outlets, gambling and amusements joints and boarded up vacant lots are the order of the day in O’Connell Street. The problems are clear for all to see.

I look forward to the time, and it will come, when I can shop or just ramble the principal streets of Dublin in a safe and relaxed manner as one can in the centre of most other European capitals. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.

Sir, – Well said by Senator David Norris. Some of the problems can be laid at the doors of our leaders – perhaps we could leave our rubbish there as well. The main responsibility, however, must be laid at our own doors. – Yours, etc,


Ballyduff Upper,

Co Waterford.