Fine Gael agus An Ghaeilge

Madam, - Monolingualism in the Europe of today is tantamount to ignorance

Madam, - Monolingualism in the Europe of today is tantamount to ignorance. Yet it is an ignorance which Enda Kenny seeks to impose upon the youth of Ireland. His ridiculous proposals with regard to the Irish language show a complete lack of thought, foresight or understanding of the languages question. This policy will not only damage the Irish language but the study of language in this country as a whole.

Once again Fine Gael has gone for the easy option by proposing the scrapping of Irish, which is what the move would amount to, instead of addressing the bigger question, the problem of language teaching in the education system as a whole.

Fine Gael needs carefully to consider new policies or it will be responsible for at least one of two disasters: the deprivation of Irish from a whole generation of children or the return of a Fianna Fáil government at the next election. - Yours, etc,

PEADAR Ó MUIRCHEARTAIGH, Coillte Mach, Co Mhaigh Eo.