Fine Gael needs a new leader too

A chara, - As a supporter of Fine Gael I am concerned about the party's future

A chara, - As a supporter of Fine Gael I am concerned about the party's future. The latest opinion poll confirms what most people believe: that Brian Cowen will make a good or great Taoiseach and that Enda Kenny wouldn't.

I have never met Mr Kenny, but I am sure he is an honest, honourable man. I know he commands a lot of respect in Fine Gael - particularly in the parliamentary party.

I am voicing my concern because I believe the party will put loyalty before pragmatism and that he will still be the leader after the next local and European elections.

Enda Kenny must know in his heart of hearts that he rarely an effective media performer. He comes across on television as at best wooden and at worst embarrassing and weak.


He should come out and say he will stand down as leader if Fine Gael does not replace Fianna Fáil as the largest party at council level next year.

There are more able people in Fine Gael who would be attractive as future taoisigh - in particular Dr James Reilly and Richard Bruton.

Enda Kenny has done a great job so far with Fine Gael. If he stands down in the short term he will leave behind a good legacy. If he hangs on longer, he won't. - Is mise,

DARREN MAC AN PHRÍORA, Caisleán Cnucha, Baile Átha Cliath 15.