Fingal – the forgotten county?

Sir, – Louis O'Flaherty (July 16th) rightly draws attention to Fingal's status as the fastest growing region in the State in the census. Indeed it is notable that Fingal contains two of the five fastest growing local areas in the country, the Blanchardstown-Blakestown electoral division and the Ward.

However, he also suggests that Fingal is sadly neglected as it has “no third-level college or major hospital”. The Institute of Technology Blanchardstown is a highly regarded third-level college. James Connolly Memorial Hospital in Blanchardstown has been serving the city and county for several decades.

Mr O’Flaherty argues that “citizens of Fingal” should be provided with easy access to facilities in Dublin. A useful starting point would be to recognise that Fingal includes Dublin 15, as well as Swords and Balbriggan.

Fingal is an integral part of Dublin and currently the fastest growing region in the country. This should be fully recognised in Government policy on investment in schools, transport links, housing and the health service. – Yours, etc,



Castleknock, Dublin 15.