Flags and anthems

Madam, - I fear the recent discussion and complaints regarding the anthems or songs played before international rugby matches…

Madam, - I fear the recent discussion and complaints regarding the anthems or songs played before international rugby matches highlights a wider problem. Should there ever be a united Ireland, a new flag and anthem would have to be agreed. Those who would subject people from a different jurisdiction (as recognised by the Constitution) to the Tricolour and Amhrán na bhFiannshould consider how they would feel if forced to recognise the union flag and God Save the Queen.

The intolerant attitude that the Republic should impose its anthem and flag over the unionist people of the north will ensure that the possibility of a united Ireland, achieved by peaceful means as enshrined by the Good Friday agreement, never becomes a reality.

- Is mise,

DANIEL PLEWMAN, Stonybatter, Dublin 7.