Following O'Driscoll's lead

Madam, – Brian O’Driscoll has done a lot for the nation, but the happiness and enthusiasm on the face of the little girl (Michaela…

Madam, – Brian O’Driscoll has done a lot for the nation, but the happiness and enthusiasm on the face of the little girl (Michaela Morley) in Temple Street children’s hospital (Front page photograph, May 31st), brings home better than anything else the true value of the team effort that he, more than anyone, always reminds us is behind his achievements.

Is it too much to hope that the country might take a message from this: forget the carping and point-scoring, and get all citizens work together to resuscitate the country? We’ve been shown the model for resourcefulness, self-belief and sheer staying power. – Yours, etc,


Farrenboley Park,

Windy Arbour,

Dublin 14.