Foot-and-mouth crisis

Sir, - Michael Mulvey's letter (April 30th) was timely and thought-provoking and raises serious issues glossed over by the powers…

Sir, - Michael Mulvey's letter (April 30th) was timely and thought-provoking and raises serious issues glossed over by the powers that be. Ever since 1973, when the farming lobby won the day on joining the then EEC, it has bullied every other sector of the community. The billions of punts paid to farmers since were never reflected in the life of the nation.

The other EEC states saw us coming when we gave away one of the largest and most productive sea areas in Western Europe - all for what? Yes, the farmers. And now that the CAP is going we cannot get our fish back. The Nice Treaty referendum result will be interesting. Irish farmers embracing Polish farmers - a likely scenario? - Yours, etc.,

Niall O'Brien, Sandymount, Dublin 4.