Forgotten Irish emigrants

Madam, - It is worth sifting through the madness of Mark Steyn and the crassness of Kevin Myers to read an article like the one…

Madam, - It is worth sifting through the madness of Mark Steyn and the crassness of Kevin Myers to read an article like the one penned by Roisin Ingle in last Saturday's paper about the the "invisible" Irish in London.

This was a wonderful piece of writing. You could feel the loneliness and quiet despair of the people she spoke to. You could also feel her own anger at how these people have been airbrushed from our history. People who left Ireland in the 1950s and 1960s to work and send money and clothes parcels home now feel abandoned, useless and unwanted in our new uppity Ireland.

I hope this article will spark a debate on the minuscule funding we give to emigrant care organisations in Britain. I hope also we will remember the debt of gratitude we owe those people. Sadly, I think not. - Yours, etc.,



Ardbeg Park,


Dublin 5.