Formaldehyde In Hospitals

Sir, - With regard to the report "Manufacturer dismisses health risk from wood substitute" (The Irish Times, September 23rd), …

Sir, - With regard to the report "Manufacturer dismisses health risk from wood substitute" (The Irish Times, September 23rd), which I read with interest, I would like to make the following points.

Firstly, formaldehyde is a known carcinogenic. Secondly, I have worked in two Dublin hospitals and I am now working in a hospital in the north-east in the operating theatre department. Formaldehyde is used in all three hospitals and it is kept in a large container within the theatre to sterilise equipment instead of in proper sterilising units. Healthcare workers are inhaling this chemical daily.

Mr John Moran of the Irish Health and Safety Authority stated in the article that "best practice is being adhered to in Ireland" when formaldehyde is used in the workplace. Is it really good practice to have these large containers of formaldehyde in the workplace?

If there was money available from the Department of Health to buy and install proper sterilising units, healthcare workers would not have to work daily with this known carcinogenic. - Yours, etc.,


Termonfeckin, Co Louth.