Sir, – Scott Coombs (Opinion, August 19th) makes a number of interesting points about fracking. We also need to consider whether we should be exploiting any new fossil fuel sources at all.
The present proven exploitable fossil fuel resources are so great that we can only use about a third of them if the temperature rise as a result of climate change is to be kept below 2 degrees. This is the temperature rise that the international community has agreed is necessary to stop catastrophic climate change.
Fracking would only make sense if the the gas is used to replace coal as an interim measure. This would result in a reduction of CO2 emissions as gas emits less CO2 than coal. However, in the US fracking has not resulted in a reduction of coal mining but an increase in exports of coal to other countries.
The fact we are seriously considering fracking and seeking other new fossil fuels world- wide shows we still are not serious about dealing with climate change – and time is running out. – Yours, etc,
Pine Copse Road,
Dundrum, Dublin 16.