Sir, – It seems that our political leaders have decided that family doctors will soon be providing “free” care to not alone children under the age of six but also to pensioners over the age of 70 (Front Page, July 10th).
Have we not been here before? What planning into the implications of what is being proposed has taken place? Does the Government intend nationalising the GP service to bring about this change?
Is it fair to say that politicians regard the private industry of general practice as a football to kick around in whatever way they think is politically advantageous?
Meanwhile, my own large group practice is currently operating one doctor short, as we have been unable to attract a qualified candidate to replace a colleague who is on maternity leave. This is a situation being replicated around the country. Does any politician know or appreciate the acute sense of frustration and helplessness that myself and many colleagues feel as our once great service disintegrates in front of us ?
The current model of general practice is broken and is only being held together by the commitment and professionalism of colleagues around the country. This situation cannot and will not continue for very much longer, no matter what any politician says or promises. Unachievable and ill-informed promises merely serve to worsen an increasingly intolerable situation. – Yours, etc,
Group Practice,
Co Monaghan.