Free Speech And Fascism

Sir, - Yet another superb piece of writing from Kevin Myers (An Irishman's Diary, November 18th) in his analysis of the protest…

Sir, - Yet another superb piece of writing from Kevin Myers (An Irishman's Diary, November 18th) in his analysis of the protest in UCC last Monday night which prevented David Irving from speaking at the Philosophical Society. I was in UCC on Monday night last and I was horrified by what happened. A university should be a bastion of free speech, and of course that includes free speech for those whose views we find repugnant.

Mr Myers refers to "the callow adolescents of UCC". However, I must point out to him that the protesters who resorted to violence and intimidation were almost certainly not UCC students; the riot was orchestrated by outsiders who have no involvement in UCC. They were a thuggish element who reminded this writer of soccer hooligans. The fine points made by Mr Myers about their use of fascist tactics in stopping the debate would be lost on them; it would be for the laughing if it weren't for the crying. - Yours, etc.,

Denis O'Connell, Curragh, Skibbereen, Co Cork