Madam, - As we all know, especially thanks to the cries of the media, the Government lied to us at the last general election.
Most people simply cannot believe that the coalition did not know about the cuts they would have to make.
I would be very surprised if Ministers did not write to each other about this and about other untruths hidden from the public. And now, not surprisingly, they want to make those communications secret to conceal the proof of their lies. - Yours, etc.,
CILLIAN McCARTHY, Hermitage Close, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.
Madam, - While I deplore the Government's attack on the FOI Act, I feel there are some areas where we might benefit from an embargo on information - the workings of Roy Keane's mental processes, the Northern situation in all its self-indulgent absurdity, your wearisome articles on problematic families, readers' redundant comments on the Iraq imbroglio, and, not least, the whineging of the arts brigade, whose precious introversions mock the wicked social ills that disgrace this nation in a time of plenty. - Yours, etc.,
M. BAYNES, Midfield, Co Mayo.