Frost forecast

Sir, – Dennis Staunton writes that David Frost – now Lord Frost – the man who successfully negotiated the UK's withdrawal from the EU is wholly unsuited to his new role as chief negotiator of Task Force Europe ("Frost dispenses with the manual of diplomacy for NI protocol", World, Analysis, March 4th).

Apparently, Lord Frost’s “combative style” (a sobriquet applied in Ireland to any political figure who doesn’t cave into the EU’s demands at the first opportunity) means that he gives off the demeanour of a “moody teenager”. Lord Frost, for his part, has suggested in the Daily Telegraph that, “Brussels must stop sulking over the UK’s decision to leave the European Union.”

Given that the coverage of Brexit has amounted to little more than an unedifying five-year sulk in the opinion pages of The Irish Times, Lord Frost’s advice could undoubtedly be extended beyond Brussels to further afield, including Dublin. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 3.