Funding for new Dublin mosque

Sir, – Jack Power reports that the planned large mosque complex in Blanchardstown in Dublin will be partly funded by Muslim donors in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan ("Plan to build new Dublin mosque", News, September 2nd). The complex will include a private primary school. Surely our selfie-obsessed Taoiseach should be concerned that money from such hardline Islamic states will help build this facility in his own constituency? Saudi Arabia in particular has been spending billions of dollars in an attempt to spread its intolerant Wahhabi form of Islam around the globe. The strategy has included funding mosques and madrassas, as well as providing training and textbooks. In 2015, the Austrian parliament banned foreign sources of financing for such projects in order to promote "an Islam of European character", instead of one influenced by conservative Muslim nations. The Irish political class seems to be asleep at the wheel. – Yours, etc,


Bayside, Dublin 13.