GAA and alcohol sponsorship

Madam, - I note that the GAA had to await the endorsement of a dedicated task force before proceeding with the two-year extension…

Madam, - I note that the GAA had to await the endorsement of a dedicated task force before proceeding with the two-year extension to Guinness's sponsorship of the hurling championship. We don't need an alcohol and substance abuse task force to tell us there is a critical problem here.

When we all know that drinking is out of control I consider it most irresponsible for any sports body to turn to the drinks industry for sponsorship.

Leaving aside the undisputable fact that anyone taking part in sport should not be indulging in alcohol in the first place, the responsible aim now should be to reduce consumption.

I cannot understand how the GAA can continue to ignore the fact that Dr Mick Loftus, a past president of the association, who has such vast experience of the abuse of alcohol through his work as a coroner and a doctor, feels unable to attend the hurling final because of this sponsorship.


Does his contribution to the GAA count for naught against the money supplied by Guinness? Is the GAA just another sports body, as Mr Kelly seems to be insinuating, or the body set up with such high ideals by its founders?

Our young people are crying out for role models. The GAA does great work with them and then encourages them to start drinking through highlighting this product. Surely this association can aspire to something higher - or is money its highest ideal?

Well done to Sean Moran for his articles on this subject. - Yours, etc.,



Donegal Town