Gaelic League President

A Chara, - I wish to clarify a reference made to La, the Irish language weekly paper, in an article by Pol O Muiri (December …

A Chara, - I wish to clarify a reference made to La, the Irish language weekly paper, in an article by Pol O Muiri (December 10th) regarding a column by Gearoid O Caireallain, President of Conradh na Gaeilge.

The article states that La has "a circulation of under 1,000". This figure is inaccurate. La in fact sells over 3,000 copies a week. At no time did your journalist speak to me or any member of the staff of La with regard to our circulation or sales figures. To confirm the figure of 3,000, Mr O Muiri, or any member of the public, is welcome to visit our offices to look at distributors' sales figures over a period. - Is mise, -

From Eoghan O Neill

Editor, La An Culturlann, Beal Feirste.