Gallery Library

Sir, - On your Fine Arts and Antiques page (July 19th) Robert O'Byrne observes: "Art historians are certain to be indebted to…

Sir, - On your Fine Arts and Antiques page (July 19th) Robert O'Byrne observes: "Art historians are certain to be indebted to Ann Stewart, librarian of the National Gallery of Ireland, who has just produced an impressively comprehensive index of exhibitors at Irish art societies and sketching clubs from 1870-1980."

I wonder! The library of the National Gallery of Ireland is the most important art history library in the country. The fact that it has been closed for the past decade has seriously impeded the work of professional art historians and scholars. No adequate explanation has been given. - Yours, etc.,

DR. Rosemarie Mulcahy,

Art Historian, Leeson Park, Dublin 6.