Galway and culture

Sir, – Frank McDonald's quietly scathing article regarding his recent visit to Galway is timely (An Irishman's Diary, July 26th). For too long, Galway has traded on its mythical status as a hub of indigenous culture. In reality, while it is an attractive and vibrant place to visit, its range of cultural activities is limited to a handful of small theatres, a modest museum and an "arthouse" cinema with a steep price tag. Its single dedicated art space in the Galway Arts Centre on Dominic Street is inadequate for a city that promotes itself as a European capital of culture. Any visitor to Galway, especially during this summer's fine weather, would agree that the city's main cultural activity seems to be communal (and, thankfully, very good-natured) public drinking, largely centred around Spanish Arch. – Yours, etc,



Co Westmeath.


Sir, – Frank McDonald is as astute as ever.

Galway is so in thrall to its traffic that the civic authorities decided no higher honour could be bestowed upon the 14 tribes than to name the roundabouts after them! – Yours, etc,



Co Offaly.