Galway Wood

Sir, - Lorna Siggins' heartrending article (March 6th) concerning the surreptitious destruction of 50 deciduous trees and the…

Sir, - Lorna Siggins' heartrending article (March 6th) concerning the surreptitious destruction of 50 deciduous trees and the consequent annihilation of irreplaceable wildlife and natural beauty in the lovely Oranmore area fills many of us with despondency. Is there no end to it?

Galway is the bleakest county of Ireland, apart from small pockets of commercial plantation. It gets worse - not better - all the time, and "progress" frequently means utter devastation. People feel helpless and many have given up the struggle for preservation against the obvious uncaring attitude of the Government and its officials.

Good people have tried to protect what little remains of the exquisite Barna wood but it is still wide open and unprotected at night against the hoodlums who burn cars, light fires, use it as a toilet, for revelry and worse. It is difficult for the police without the proper support of Government and its officials. They appear not to care.

There are real fears that the last little bit of the Dangan wood could be pulled down. What a prospect!


Developers should be made aware that old trees are sacred and that it is pointless for them to acquire land for building purposes where mature trees are loved and respected by the majority of the people. - Yours, etc., Mary Wilson,
