Garda Noonan inquiry

Madam, - I refer to a report published on December 11th concerning an order by consent made by Mr Justice Iarfhlaith ONeill …

Madam, - I refer to a report published on December 11th concerning an order by consent made by Mr Justice Iarfhlaith ONeill providing for the establishment of a new division of the Garda Appeals Board to consider an appeal concerning Garda Thomas Noonan.

1. Contrary to what Garda Noonan is reported to have stated in open court, I have never represented the Ceann Comhairle and former Minister for Justice John O'Donoghue in my capacity as a solicitor or in any capacity.

2. Mr O'Donoghue did not appoint me to the Garda Appeals Board, on which I have served for approximately 20 years, nor did he have any involvement in my appointment to chair the division that dealt with Garda Noonan's appeal.

3.I have met Mr O'Donoghue on only one occasion and that was at a race meeting when I was simply introduced to him and exchanged pleasantries with him for a minute or so.


4.I was not aware until reading the court report that Garda Noonan had allegedly stopped the Minister's car for speeding on September 10th, 2000. This was not referred to directly or indirectly at the disciplinary hearing which I chaired. - Yours, etc,



Ormond Quay, Dublin 7.