Garda Pay Dispute

Sir, - We, the Garda Siochana, are appointed as Guardians of the Peace

Sir, - We, the Garda Siochana, are appointed as Guardians of the Peace. We have not appointed ourselves as guardians of the nation's morals.

On Friday May, 1st, we took an action to highlight an injustice. We took it openly and in public and no one took it lightly. Injustice exists when gardai in their thousands across the country made this statement. As a result the nation's consciousness has awakened to concerns about honesty and integrity.

New legislation and amendments to existing legislation have been called for loudly and clearly by both public and politicians. We now have the Domestic Violence Act; Criminal Law Rape (Amendment) Act; Non-Fatal Offences against the Person Act; Firearms and Offensive Weapons Act; Misuse of Drugs Act, Public Order Act and Criminal Damage Act.

Our prisons are overcrowded. Our court system is overloaded. There is no shortage of tribunals and civil litigation. We have amended our Constitution to allow for the killing of the unborn in certain circumstances and to permit divorce.


Gardai are on the front line in our questionably honest and integrated society and also provide back-up for the social and psychiatric services. The national consciousness on integrity and honesty cannot be focused singularly on the Garda Siochana. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

On May 22nd a policing service will be provided while gardai are on duty at polling stations throughout the country. To assist with this, annual leave will be cancelled and in-service training will be suspended. - Yours, etc.,

(Garda) Carmel Roberts

Blackrock, Co Dublin.