Garda Pay Dispute

Sir, - I am a member of An Garda Siochana for over 20 years. The last incremental pay rise I received was nine years ago

Sir, - I am a member of An Garda Siochana for over 20 years. The last incremental pay rise I received was nine years ago. I was told, just before PESP, that the country was in financial trouble so I accepted the rise. (The GRA was not allowd involvement in the PESP or any other National Agreement.) It was almost immediately eaten up by the mortage increases which followed.

The facts are that, as a member of the GRA, I have not got the right to strike; I was not allowed any say in the three national wage agreements; I looked for a commission on pay and was sold a dummy by the Government; I have fallen behind all other sectors in basic pay. I dislike working overtime because it's cheap labour and I already work enough unsocial hours as it stands.

I wish to bring to your attention another very disturbing fact. There appears to be a collective dictatorship in operation in this country involving the government, RTE, Independent Newspapers and trade union leaders.

All of these have shown absolutely no concern for workers who are simply looking for a basic wage increase. The trade union leaders, in particular, are a disgrace. Their members should wonder if their leaders represent them, or the rich. The GRA has my full support in its efforts, on my behalf, to secure a pay rise, against all the odds. - Yours, etc., John O'Keeffe,


Buncrana, Co Donegal.