Gay Lifestyle?

Sir, - Kevin J. Dodd (June 30th), announces that, while he believes in toleration of homosexuals, he does not approve of the "…

Sir, - Kevin J. Dodd (June 30th), announces that, while he believes in toleration of homosexuals, he does not approve of the "homosexual lifestyle". Can he, or any other of your correspondents, please enlighten me as to what this alleged lifestyle entails? Lesbians and gays in Ireland, for the most part, lead lives that are indistinguishable from those of our heterosexual families, neighbours and friends. Where differences exist, they exist in the main because society refuses to recognise us as having the same rights as the majority - whether explicitly, by denying us the right to marry the person we love, or implicitly, by tolerating the continuing, if unofficial, discrimination that haunts many of us. - Yours, etc., Russ Clarke,

Rathmines, Dublin 6.