GDP and joined-up thinking

Sir, – On the front page of The Irish Times (July 21st) there is a happy group photo taken outside Dolphin's Barn flats. The Government has allocated €25 million to the regeneration of Dolphin House.

Also the Taoiseach has announced €1.6 million in extra funding for community projects in Dublin’s north inner city, as part of a new move to rejuvenate the area. Great news. The Government using valuable resources for the good of the local communities.

However, last week the Central Statistics Office said that Ireland’s economy had expanded by an enormous 26 per cent in terms of gross domestic product. As a result of these “inaccurate” figures, Ireland’s contribution to the European Union’s budget will increase by €280 million.

€280 million would create a lot of very happy local communities all over Ireland who would be happy to pose for “happy group photos”.


Joined-up thinking by the Government? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 24.

Sir, – Gross notional income? – Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.