George's Quay Development

Sir, - The decision by An Bord Pleanala not to allow the proposed office development on George's Quay in Dublin to go ahead is…

Sir, - The decision by An Bord Pleanala not to allow the proposed office development on George's Quay in Dublin to go ahead is to be deplored. It must be obvious to all by now that from an architectural point of view Dublin is a city without a future. Time and time again we have seen building projects which would have taken the city into the 21st century and put it on a par with other modern cities disallowed or reduced to a pale image of what was intended.

The question is not one of preserving Dublin's historical integrity, which Dublin Corporation is already doing quite well; it is one of breaking free from the pressure-group mentality which stifles innovation and regards all modern office development as unwelcome. Dublin, it seems, is destined to remain a quaint but uninspiring place for a long time to come.

As reported recently in the media, a number of prominent architects of world fame are considering coming to Dublin because of our new-found prosperity. Perhaps it should be pointed out to them that on past experience their trip would be a waste of time, for anything they might design would stand little chance of getting off the ground. - Yours, etc.,

Ben Mac Lochlainn, Elm Mount Rise, Beaumont, Dublin 9.