Gerry Adams and the back of the bus

Sir, – The only thing that Gerry Adams and Rosa Parks have in common is that neither of them was ever in the IRA.

– Yours, etc,




Dublin 5.

Sir, – I note with interest the Irish media reaction to the issues Gerry Adams had entering the White House. Some in the national media refer to the embarrassment to Mr Adams.

So the White House invite Mr Adams and don’t have the necessary systems in place to ensure invited people gain entry? It is indeed a very myopic view that would allocate embarrassment in that instance to Mr Adams and not to the US officials.

As regards the “back of the bus” comment, Northern nationalists have been shot, killed, gerrymandered, had employment restricted and so on over the years. If anyone thinks the Adam’s comparison is invalid, they don’t know their history or are allowing their blinkers to distort their view.

The lack of balance in reporting is now reaching serious levels. The Dublin-centric media appears to have declared war on Northern nationalism of all sorts. – Yours, etc,



Co Louth.