Gifted Children

Sir, - We are a Dublin-based film production company which specialises in high-quality documentaries

Sir, - We are a Dublin-based film production company which specialises in high-quality documentaries. We are currently researching a documentary on gifted children.

It is our intention to make a sensitive, thoughtful and concerned film which will explore the notion of giftedness from the point of view of the child, the parents and the rest of the family. Through the documentary, we hope to bring a greater awareness and understanding of the challenges gifted children face and the aspirations they hold.

We are eager to learn about the experiences of gifted children and their parents and welcome the opportunity to discuss these matters with them. We would be grateful to any parents who would take the time to get in touch with us. I assure you that we will be treating the subject with great sensitivity. - Yours, etc., Christine Thornton,

Loopline Films, Griffith College, South Circular Road, Dublin 8.